zurück 2.12.1900, Sonntag ID: 190012025

The Chicago Tribune Nr. 336 berichtet auf S. 38 vom Amerika-Gastspiel von Eduard Strauß und seinem Orchester und erwähnt dabei kurz auch Bruckner:
"                    MUSIC
T'S a terrible thing to say, I suppose, but really I'm enjoying this concert fully as much as I do those given by Mr. Thomas and his men!" This confession [... letzten Mittwoch ... über die Wertschätzung der Strauß-Dynastie durch Brahms ... die Unterschiede in der Orchesterbesetzung und im Dirigat von Strauß und Theodor Thomas ...] and yet each is great–great in his own way.
     And so it is with the two orchestras. Eduard Strauss has fifty men in his band in Vienna. Of this half hundred he has, owing to the demands of his manager, brought only forty-two with him. Were these forty-two men to attempt the performance of a Wagnerian selection or a Bruckner symphony the public might well complain, but they attempt only dance music, and for that they are not only adequate but the only correct number. One remembers hearing Mr. Thomas say after the Chicago Orchestra had played a Strauss waltz, "That orchestra is too large for such a composition–one should not have over fifty men!"
     [... weiter zu diesem Thema und über kommende Konzerte ...]."


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190012025, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-190012025
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11