zurück 27.8.1904, Samstag ID: 190408275

Der Los Angeles Express erwähnt auf S. 7 Bruckner in der Besprechung eines Artikels über Theodor Thomas:
     Inasmuch as the Germans cultivate a rank ignorance regarding music and musical taste in America, it is pleasant to come across an occasional article like that of Bernhard Ziehn in the Allgemeine Musik Zeitung of Berlin on the "Nestor der Amerikanischen Dirigenten." Theodore Thomas, of course, is the subject of this article. [... missionarisch tätig (1902/03 33 Novitäten gebracht, New York 3, Philadelphiy 9, Cincinnati 11, Boston 17) ...]. Thanks to Theodore Thomas, not only New York but even Chicago heard many of the works of Liszt, Tchaikowsky [sic], Franck, Bruckner, Glazounoff, Humperdinck, R. Strauss, Dvorak and other composers years before they were heard at Dresden, Berlin, Bremen, Stuttgart and other German cities. [... besondere Bach-Pflege ... über die Probenarbeit ...] there are no hands in which a score may be more safely placed than those of Theodore Thomas."


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190408275, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-190408275
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11