zurück 6.8.1905, Sonntag ID: 190508065

Ausführlicher biographischer Artikel in der Daily Press Nr. 186 (Newport News, Virginia) auf S. 11:
"                  Anton Bruckner

     The distinguished bearer of this name was born in the year 1824, in the little village of Ansfelden, in Upper Austria, of an obscure peasant family. [... Jugend ...] regarded by his neighbors as a crank–such is the picture of the greatest symphonist since Beethoven–possibly the greatest of all. [... St. Florian, Linz, Sechter, (Kitzler), Prüfung am Wiener Konservatorium, Berufung nach Wien, ruhiges Schaffen durch neidische "Insektenstiche" gestört, Ehrendoktorat (Zitat Exner) ...].
     It is a difficult matter to describe the music of Bruckner. It is constructed of gigantic clocks of gorgeous marble, in dimensions like the pyramids, but with wealth of ornament in opulence. His harmonic and contrapuntal skill es gigantic, his invention original and fecund, and the resources of the ultra modern orchestra are required for the expression of his music which is steadily making its way, and will prove for instrumental music, no doubt, what Wagner's did for the opera."


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190508065, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-190508065
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11