zurück 23.2.1908, Sonntag ID: 190802235

The Lexington Herald Nr. 54 wiederholt auf S. 19 (= S. 9 des 2. Teils) nahezu unverändert den Text vom 19.2.1908]:
"           The Pittsburg Orchestra.
     The Pittsburg Orchestra, which will give two splendid concerts in the Lexington Opera House on the afternoon and evening of Tuesday February 25, under the direction of Mr. Charles Scott, is one of the few great orchestras of the United States. It is under the direction of Emil Paur, probably one of the most celebrated orchestra leaders of modern times [... über das Programm und die Solisten ...].
     The following sketch of the life and achievements of Emil Paur will be found interesting. Mr. Paur is fifty years old, and was born at Czernoviyz [sic], Austria. He entered the Vienna Conservatory of Music when a young man, and there became a pupil of Hellsberger [sic], Dessoff and Anton Bruckner. After several years as a member of the Imperial Opera House orchestra at Vienna, he went to Berlin to conduct an orchestra. [... weitere Stationen ...]."


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190802235, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-190802235
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11