Tschechische Erstaufführung der 1. Symphonie durch die Tschechische Philharmonie unter Adolf Zemánek [in Prag?] (*).
The Inter Ocean Nr. 285 (Chicago, Illinois) kündigt auf S. 32 (= S. 6 des Magazin-Teils) die Aufführung von Friedrich Kloses "Präludium und Doppelfuge über ein Thema von Anton Bruckner" am 8./9.1.1909 an:
" Thomas Memorial Program.
The Thomas orchestra will pay tribute to the memory of its illustrious founder in its concerts Friday afternoon and Saturday evening. Wilhelm Middelschulte will be the soloist, presenting for the first time in this country Friedrich Klose's prelude and double fugue on a theme by Bruckner for organ, four trumpets, and four trombones. The entire programm is as follows:
[... Bach-Albert, Brahms, Klose, Strauss ...]."
Links daneben ein Porträt "WILHELM MIDDELSCHUTHE:" [sic] (**).
Auf diese Konzerte macht auch The Chicago Tribune Nr. 1 auf S. 49 (= S. 3 der Teils "Drama") aufmerksam:
FRIDAY–Thirteenth public rehearsal of the Thomas orchestra, Orchestra hall, 2:15 p. m.
SATURDAY – Thirteenth concert of the Thomas orchestra, Orchestra hall, 8:15 p. m.
The Thomas orchestra programm this week will be commemorative of the death day of Mr. Thomas. The works listed for presentment are [... Bach-Abert, Brahms, Strauss ...] and a "Prelude and Double Fugue on a Theme by Bruckner" for organ, four trumpets and four trombones, by Friedrich Klose, this being the first performance in America of the last named work. Mr. Middelschulte will be the organist."(***).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190901035, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-190901035letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11