Besprechung des gestrigen Konzerts in The Chicago Tribune Nr. 8 auf S. 8:
"Thomas Orchestra.
The Thomas orchestra devoted itself to the annual Theodore Thomas memorial yesterday, last Monday having been the forth anniversary of the passing of the eminent conductor. [...]
[... die einzelnen Werke (Bach/Abert, Brahms 1. (Lob für Mr. Stock!)) ...].
Following the intermission came the novelty of the afternoon–and the tedium. A "Prelude and Double Fugue on a Theme by Bruckner for organ, four trumpets, and four trombones," by Friedrich Klose, had been listed for its first performance in America. It is a composition written in the involved and laborious contrapuntal manner that many modern German composers for the organ consider the only worthy way in which to write for that instrument–music that is little other than musical mathematics and which looks on paper far better than it sounds on the organ. The audience yesterday sat and endured, rustling about, fixing furs and ribbons, reading programs, wondering which side of the organ was to tootle next, and hoping that finally the four trumpets and four trombones would come in and do somethong. They finally came, and then the preformance picked up a bit and soon ended. Applause for Mr. Middelschulte was in oeder, and was accorded until he again mounted the golden stairs that lead organ-loftward.Then he and the orchestra had a go at the first movement of the Handel Concerto, which at least had life in it and therefore seemed better than the Klose number.
Part of the ineffectiveness of the novelty must be laid at the door of the soloist. [... zwar nicht für Schwächen der Orgel verantwortlich, aber: rhythmische Schwankungen, Nervosität, Leistung seit Jahren abnehmend (unsicher, Tempo- und Rhythmusunsicherheiten), Probleme sogar bei der Händel-Zugabe ... bessere Organisten verfügbar! ...].
Following the Klose number was given the Strauss "Death and Transfiguration" [... rühmenswert ...]. The same program tonight commencing at 8:15 o'clock. W. L. HUBBARD." (*).
Amerikanische Erstaufführung von Friedrich Kloses Präludium und Doppelfuge über ein Thema von Anton Bruckner mit Wilhelm Middelschulte und Mitgliedern des Chicago Symphony Orchestras unter Frederick Stock in der Orchestra Hall in Chicago. In diesem dem Andenken an Theodor Thomas gewidmeten Konzert erklingen außerdem Werke von J. S. Bach/Abert, Brahms (erste Symphonie) und Richard Strauss ("Tod und Verklärung") [Wiederholung der öffentlichen Generalprobe vom 8.1.1909] (**).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190901095, URL: Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11