zurück 28.2.1909, Sonntag ID: 190902285

Die New York Tribune Nr. 22750 bringt auf S. 23 (= S. 7 des 2. Teils) eine Buchbesprechung, in der Bruckner erwähnt und aus dem Briefwechsel von Brahms zitiert wird [12.1.1885]:
"                                   BRAHMS.
    Some Glimpses of the Composer in Private Life.
JOHANNES BRAHMS. The Herzogenberg Correspondence. Edited by Max Kalbeck. Translated by Hannah Bryant. With portrait. 8vo, pp. KXK, 425. E. P. Dutton @ Co.
     The letters in this volume commemorate the long friendship between Johannes Brahms and two musicians who cherished a passion for his work. Heinrich and Elisabet von Herzogenberg, [...]. It is droll to observe her efforts to get him to tell her whether or not he sympathizes with her distaste for Bruckner. Everybody else in Leipsic is saying all manner of fine things about this composer. Are they right or is she right when she says "one or two not quite impossible morifs, like grease spots swimming on the top of weak soup, and there we have 'Meister' Bruckner's whole stock-in-trade." At last the oracle speaks, saying:
     Dear lady,–I understand. You have sat through the roaring of Bruckner's symphony once, and now when people talk about it you are afraid to trust the recollection of your own impression. Well, you may safely do so. Your delightful letter expresses most lucidly all that can be said–all that one has said one's self or would like to have said so nicely. You will not mind when I tell you that Hanslick shares your opinion, and read your letter with pious joy! But one symphony and one quintet of Bruckner's have been printed. I advise you to get them to look at with a view to steeling your mind and your judgment. You will not want me!
     It is a pity that this volume does not afford more fragments, like the foregoing, of Brahms's criticism. There is an indication in one letter of his enjoyment of Bizet, and in another he speaks with delight of the original scoring of Schumann's D minor symphony, which reminds him of Mozart's G minor, but there is little else. Let us, however, begrateful for what we have in these letters. So far as they go they at least deepen our sense of the genuine and amiable traits of Brahms." [keine Signatur]


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190902285, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-190902285
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11