The Detroit Free Press Nr. 55 informiert auf S. 8 über die Konzertpläne von Richard Strauss, die auch ein Werk Bruckners vorsehen [4. Symphonie am 22.3.1910]:
The Music Strauss Likes.
Richard Strauss, as chief director, has arranged the programs of ten symphony concerts which are to be given this season in the Royal opera house, Berlin, by the court orchestra. The programs are generally considered indicators of the Strauss preferences. Beethoven is represented eight times, no other composer more than twice. [... die Beethoven-Werke ... weitere Komponisten ...] Weber, Strauss himself, Haydn, and Berloiz [sic] appear twice, Gernsheim, Bach, Mahler, Spohr, Hoechberg, Ritter, Schilling, Brahms, Schubert, Cherubini, Schumann and Bruckner each once.
The final program is a revelation in weight. It consists of Schumann's C major symphony and Beethoven's Ninth."
[Weiter unten eine Notiz, dass Sousa das "Tristan"-Vorspiel dirigiert hat.]
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190911215, URL: Änderung: Feb 03, 2023, 14:14