zurück 21.1.1911, Samstag ID: 191101215

The Long Beach Telegram Nr. 21 (The Long Beach Daily News, Long Beach, California) berichtet auf S. 5 über ein neu gegründetes Klavierquintett:
"New Musical Organization.
     Among the prominent and somewhat out of the ordinary musical organizations recently formed and attracting the attention of the women's musical clubs of Southern California is the Brahms Quintette of Los Angeles, organized by Ralph Wylie last September, [... heute erstes Kammerkonzert ...].
     The personnel of the quintette is composed of Ralph Wylie first violin, pupil of [...]; Adolph Tandler, second violin, pupil of Rose in violin, pupil of Bruckner in composition, formerly conductor of Vienna Concertverein, conductor of music in St. Paulana Cathedral church of Vienna; Rudolph Kopp, viola, pupil of Prill in violin, pupil of Graedener in composition, formerly concertmaster Vienna military orchestra, first violin of Vienna Folks opera; [... Violoncellist  Alex Simonson (Kopenhagen), Pianist Homer Grunn ...]."


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191101215, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-191101215
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11