zurück 21.5.1911, Sonntag ID: 191105215

Die Meldung vom 18.5.1911 erscheint abgewandelt auch in The New York Times Nr. 19475 auf S. 69 (= S. 3 des 7. Teils):
"       News and Notes in the World of Music
     Loudon Charlton confirmed last week the announcement of the engagement of Josef Stransky of Berlin as next season's conductor of the Philharmonic Society. [... für eine Saison ... Lebenslauf (geboren 1872 in Böhmen, Stationen in Prag, Kontakte zu Dvorak und Smetana) ...], his preparation was most complete, comprising a thorough course under Jadassohn at Leipsic and under Fuchs and Bruckner at Vienna. After five years of achievement at Prague  [... dann sieben Jahre in Hamburg, pro Saison 150 Dirigate ... in Berlin Blüthner-Orchester ...]." (*).
Im Nachruf auf Gustav Mahler in The Sun Nr. 263 (New York) auf S. 26 (= S. 12 des 2. Teils) wird Bruckner erwähnt:
"     The death of Gustav Mahler removes from the musical world one of its commanding figures. [... Rückzug von New York "unhappy story" ... Mahler als Komponist ...]. Felix Weingartner wrote this of Mahler:
    "His works are of colossal dimensions and require an unusually large number of executants [... sekundäre Äußerlichkeiten ... im Inneren tiefe Empfindungen ...]. Mahler's most striking characteristic is the remarkable breadth of his themes as well es their thoroughly musical nature. In many points he is like his teacher, Brückner, only he understands better how to work with his themes and how to construct his movements. [... die Musik zeige] a passionate and a vivid, almost fanatic, enthusiasm."     With this fine tribute from a conductor who has also labored in the field of composition we may dismiss the Viennese artist to his long rest, reserving to ourselves the sad privilege of bewailing the fact, that the final years of his life were embittered by unhappiness found in an ardent search after public success in New York.     W. J. HENDERSON." (**).
[Die beharrliche Schreibweise "Brückner" in der Übersetzung von Weingartners Buch wurde schon am 19.1.1907 beanstandet.]


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191105215, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-191105215
letzte Änderung: Feb 21, 2023, 18:18