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Die Monatsschrift "The Etüde"(Philadelphiy, Pennsylvania) bringt eine Bildbeilage "Musical Hall of Fame", in der auch Bruckner vertreten ist.
[Auszug aus einer Veröffentlichung 2010:]
"Another picture of Beethoven, residing at the center of music history and surrounded by his fellow composers, is presented in a drawing of a fictive meeting from the musical magazine The Etude (inserted in the December issue, 1911, and reproduced on page 65). Raphael’s Vatican Stanza The School of Athens (also reproduced, p. 64) was obviously the point of reference for this rendering. In the Etude drawing, Beethoven is sitting in the position of a sovereign on a big, ornamented throne. The figure of the muse or goddess up on high, directly behind Beethoven, hints at a religious theme: Beethoven in the place of God the father, and Wagner, stepping forward and pointing with his finger at himself, as the son. But Wagner plays more the role of an impresario; he acts as if he were Loge. He is the only one who is talking, and most likely about himself, as indicated by the pointing finger. This is a bit of irony within a very serious world." (*).
Dieses Bild wurde 1928 als Teil der Nachlass-Sammlung eines Organisten in Wilmington (Delaware) in einer Ausstellung gezeigt. Die dortige Beschreibung unterschlägt einige Komponisten und gibt auch keine Quelle an:
" "The Musical Hall of Fame," a large picture, contains the following well-known composers: Chopin, Handel, Gluck, Schumann, Weber, Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Schubert, Beethoven, [nicht erwähnt: Mendelssohn und Wagner], Meyerbeer, Gounod, Verdi, Liszt, Bruckner, Brahms and Greig [sic]." (**).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191112005, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-191112005letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11