Aufführung der 7. Symphonie durch das Wiener Konzertvereinsorchester unter Martin Spörr um 17 Uhr im Großen Musikvereinssaal in Wien. Solistin in Mendelssohns g-Moll-Klavierkonzert ist Else Connard (*).
The Pittsburgh Sunday Post Nr. 169 (Pittsburgh Daily Post, Pennsylvania) bringt auf S. 9 (= S. 5 des 2. Teils) einen Artikel über Weingartner, in dem auch dessen Meinung über Bruckner anklingt:
" Musical Comments and Current Events
[... Emil Paur geht nach Berlin ... Karl Muck kehrt als Nachfolger Max Fiedlers nach Boston zurück ... Gastspiel Nikischs ...].
Weingartner in America.
[... einige Dirigate am Opernhaus Boston ... strapaziöse Proben (sonntags bis 2 Uhr morgens) ...]
An Aggressive Man.
Mr. Weingartner, like all great musicians, is an aggressive man. [... "some sort of a musical war" ... über Weingartners Buch und seine Symphonien ...].
Music of the Future.
When asked by an interviewer for "Musical America" what he thought of the opera of the future, Mr. Weingartner said:
"The opera of the future? Now who can tell? I do not like Strauss. That is for me noise, not music. [... Rosenkavalier ... zukünftige Entwicklung des Operngesangs und der Harmonie ...].
"I must say, though, that, I still have faith in the old-fashioned diatonic scale of Bach, Beethoven and the other masters. [... Sechstonleitern, modale Tonleitern ...]. Experiments, experiments. They are forgotten tomorrow. For me there are still Beethoven, Brahms and Wagner. Berlioz? Yes, a very great man, but there is none so great as those others. Bruckner? I think he is rather a fad."
Bruckner may be a fad in Europe but he is far from that in America. And Mr. Weingartner may be right in what he says about the new music, [...].
On the 29th Mr. Weingartner will return to Eurpoe [sic]. This is his third visit to America and he is credited with saying [...] that the Vienna Philharmonic and the Boston Symphony are the two greatest orchestras in the world.
Ein Artikel in The Indianapolis Star Nr. 265 auf S. 59 (= S. 39 des Zeitungsteils) erweckt den [vermutlich falschen] Eindruck, Bruckner habe mit d'Albert Kontakt gehabt:
" D'Albert Moves.
From his villa in Italy Eugen d Albert has removed his household gods to the city, where long ago he spent some of the happiest years of his career in the companionship of Brahms and Bruckner Vienna henceforth is to be his headquarters. The latest, that is to say, the fourth, Mrs. d'Albert, the ex-Mrs Ludwig Fulda, is with him there, as is also temporarily at least, the small daughter born to him and his present wife's immediate predecessor, Hermine Finck, a year and a half ago His oldest child is now a man of twenty-five.
[...]." (***).
Diese Meldung erscheint auch in The Chicago Tribune Nr. 8 auf S. 75 (= S. 3 des zehnten Teils):
" Another great pianist-composer, like Busoni accredited to Germany, but also a native of another land, voices quite another estimate of Debussy. [... über Eugen d'Albert ...].
From his villa in Italy d'Albert has removed his household gods to the city, where long ago he spent some of the happiest years of his career in the companionship of Brahms and Bruckner. Vienna henceforth is to be his headquarters, says Musical America. The latest, that is to say, the fourth, Mrs. d'Albert, the ex-Mrs. Ludwig Fulda, is with him there, as is also temporarily at least the small daughter born to him and his present wife's immediate predecessor, Hermine Finck, a year and a half ago His eldest child is now a man of 25."
[auf derselben Seite eine Abbildung von Eric DeLamarter] (°).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191202255, URL: Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11