zurück 17.7.1913, Donnerstag ID: 191307175

Einer anekdotischen Überlieferung verdankt es Bruckner, in einer Konzertbesprechung in The Indianapolis Star Nr. 42 auf S. 7 erwähnt zu werden:
"          Chat & Chatter
                   Belinda Brewster
PRAISE for our Indianapolis girls always is pleasant to hear, and we certainly have every reason to be proud of the praises that are being sung in Denver about Margaret Cook Nikoloric, who is living there since her marriage.
     [... spielte in Denver in einem Konzert Schumanns Klavierkonzert ... lobende Kritikzitate ... mit einem Österreicher verheiratet, studierte mehrere Jahre bei Leschetitzky ...].
     "They say of Anton Bruckner, the immortal composer, that when he was well satisfied with a work of one of his puplis [sic] he made him a present of a penny. Bruckner would have done the same had he heard Mme. Nikoloric at yesterday's symphony. This charming lady, who is an artist though an amateur, has the right idea about the beautiful in music, not only the beautiful and pleasing in sound, but the transcendentally beautiful in emotion.


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191307175, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-191307175
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11