Der Meriden Morning Record (Record-Journal, Meriden, Connecticut) bringt auf S. 6 eine Liste, in der Bruckner-Nicht-Dirigenten gelobt werden:
" Line-O'-Types
Everybody knows at least one person who deserves a pew in the Hall of Fame of New York university. Here are a few of Leonard Liebling's candidates:
The pianist who first abolished Liszt rhapsodies as the closing number of a piano recital program.
The conductor who discovered that it is not necessary to wear white gloves.
The opera impresario who first discarded the custom of referring to his principal soprano as a "prima donna assoluta."
Any conductor who has not performed a Bruckner symphony and does not intend to do so.–Chicago Tribune."
[siehe die Anmerkung]
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191505275, URL: Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11