zurück 25.7.1915, Sonntag ID: 191507255

The Cincinnati Enquirer Nr. 206 kündigt auf S. 38 (= S. 2 des 3. Teils) die Aufführung einer Bruckner-Symphonie [4. Symphonie am 17./18.12.1915, vgl. 19.9.1915] in der kommenden Saison an:
"                  Matters Musical.
     Dr. Ernst Kunwald, conductor of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, is spending his summer quietly in the country and preparing his program for next season. Owing to the war it may be difficult to get some of the novelties he has under consideration, but it is quie certain that he will include quite a numer of new works in the program of the symphony season, endeavoring to provide as comprehensive a survey as possible of the newer things. Some of the older works, which have not been heard here, are also to be included, among them at least one Bruckner symphony."


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191507255, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-191507255
letzte Änderung: Mai 02, 2023, 21:21