zurück 20.11.1915, Samstag ID: 191511205

Aufführung der 7. Symphonie durch das Boston Symphony Orchestra unter Karl Muck in Boston.
Außerdem wird Mozarts Sinfonia Concertante mit den orchestereigenen Solisten Witek und Ferir gespielt.
Wiederholung vom 19.11.1915 (*).
[siehe die Anmerkung]

Besprechung des gestrigen Konzerts in The Boston Globe Nr. 143 auf S. 4:
"                   HOUR OF BRUCKNER.
           Seventh Symphony Plays 65 Minutes.
Messrs Witek and Ferir Soloists in Mozart Piece.
     The program of the fifth Symphony concert consisted of but two pieces, lest some possibly should think it too short to be worth the cost, the management, the week before, had taken the precaution to insert a line, saying the length of the program would be one hour and 40 minutes.
     None conversant with Bruckner's seventh symphony were apprehensive lest it to be too brief. Not less than 65 minutes were necessary yesterday to complete the four movements. Is it worth it? Few, very few, are the symphonic works that last an hour, and three-quarters is enough for many that promise to live, and are called great.
     Bruckner, naive child and pedantic German music master, left strangely conflicting pages. There are noble thoughts in this symphony, buried in long passages of bombastic rhetoric and tedious, unending repetitions. Of development there is little. Material is recalled again and again, with the persistence of a conscientious professor lecturing his class, not revitalized or transformed into new guises that stir the imagination, but quoted literally.
     An honest mind that never plans little surprises, hidden retreats for its readers, nor invites into new paths of exploration, nor spreads before the vision some new arresting scene without revealing it all before. It is singularly obvious music, with a certain honest sentiment, but more fit for his disciples than a general public. To the simple-minded schoolmaster, the much prolonged climaxes closing the first and last movements with a monotonous persistence in the one unbroken tonality may have been grandeur. They were saved yesterday by the magnificent response of the basses, here as elsewhere, to Dr Muck's crescendo. The performance would have glorified any music, however dull.
     The art of Mr Witek and Mr Ferir in Mozart's Concert Symphony for Violin and Viola (K op 364) played in its entirety for the first time in Boston, was as refreshing as the clear transparency of the music.
     The program of next week will be one of unusual interest, [... Mozart, Beethoven (mit Fritz Kreisler) und Rachmaninoff ("Toteninsel") ...]." [keine Signatur] (**).

Auf Seite 1 macht die Inhaltsangabe auf diesen Artikel aufmerksam:
"                          Page 4.
     New literature.
     William Dean Howells awarded gold medal by National Institute of Arts and Letters.
     Symphony Orchestra plays Bruckner's Seventh Symphony." (***).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191511205, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-191511205
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11