The Chicago Tribune Nr. 1 vergleicht auf S. 15 das Programm eines "ernsten" Symphoniekonzertes [18.12.1915 mit der 4. Symphonie] mit dem eines volkstümlichen: "Fifth "Pop" Concert. [... einige der Werke ...].
Not only the large audiences at Orchestra hall on Thursday, but a very, very erudite musician confessed a peace and joy in the program played by the Chicago Symphoiny orchestra, Mr. Stock conducting. In fact, there were invidious comparisons between this choice of "pop concert" music and the Bruckner and Beethoven epics lately presented–greatly to the disparagement of the latter. Heretic is this, but human. [... über weitere Programmnummern ...]." (*).
Postkarte von Rudolf Fitzner an Franz Gräflinger [auf Bruckner bezugnehmend?] (**).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191601015, URL: Änderung: Jun 27, 2024, 9:09