zurück 12.1.1916, Mittwoch ID: 191601125

In The Ithaca Journal Nr. 9 (Ithaca, New York) wird auf S. 7 ein Konzertorganist als Bruckner-Schüler vorgestellt:
     The organ recital this week will be given in Bailey Hall on Friday afternoon at the usual hour. George C. Vieh, professor of music at Smith College, Northampton, Mass., will be the special soloist [... Klavier und Orgel, Klavier solo ...]. Mr. Vieh is a native of St. Louis, where he was a pupil of Victor Ehling, one of the best piano pedagogues of that city. He spent three years at the Vienna conservatoty, where he was the pupil of Joseph Dachs in piano, Anton Bruckner, harmony, Joseph and Nepomuk Fuchs, counterpoint and composition.
     He graduated from this institution taking the silver medal [... Stationen in Amerika ...].
     Mr. Vieh is a brilliant pianist and a musician of scholarly attainments, and the University community is fortunate in having this opportunity of hearing him."


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191601125, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-191601125
letzte Änderung: Feb 21, 2023, 18:18