Eric Delamarter befasst sich in einem Artikel in The Chicago Tribune Nr. 18 auf S. 59 (= S. 1 des 8. Teils) mit Kinomusik und Orgelimprovisation:
"Wherein the Movie Musician Resuscitates a Lovely Art.
By Eric De Lamarter.
WHICH contingent started it may not be told. But about the time Easter church music was a day old there was pilgrimage to a nickel movie theater on Madison street. [... heftige Reaktionen gegen das Kino-Orgelspiel ... Konzerte mit (arrangierten) Orgelwerken von Wagner, Rossini ... über die Kunst der Improvisation ...].
For improvization is not the art of being a willing victim for extraneous "inspiration." It is scientific spontaneity. The extemporization of six-part fugues is accredited to Bach; Mozart, Beethoven, Liszt were among the masters of this art; Saint-Saens, to come down to o ur day, the late Alexandre Guilmant, Eugene Gigout, and Charles Marie Widor are probably the best known among French musicians; Anton Bruckner was an inveterate; Straube possibly ranks among the Germans. [...]." (*).
The Houston Post Nr. 26 (Houston, Texas) übernimmt auf S. 38 den am 23.4.1916 erschienenen Text in gekürzter Form:
"Personalities in Musical World During the New York Season
In his review of the New York musical season, crowded as it has never been before, W. J. Henderson of the New York Sun has this to say:
What can be said is that the closing season has been richer in its disclosure of influential personalities than its harvest of publications. [... Solisten, Sänger ...].
[...]. Not a single composer except Mahler has attracted any considerable measure of public attention in the course of the activities just ending. It is doubly unfortunate that the one writer to arouse discussion should have been the talented Viennese capellmeister who strove so magnificently to rival Bruckner in the prolixity, ponderosity and obscurity of his utterance." (**).
The Buffalo Times kündigt auf S. 53 für morgen ein Konzert des Buffalo Sängerbundes unter Dr. Carl Winning an. Bei dem Chor "Lenzsturm . . . Bruckner | Mannerchor and Clavier accompaniment" handelt es sich vermutlich um die Komposition eines lokalen Namensvetters Bruckner (***).
Ähnlich schreibt der Buffalo Courier Nr. 121 auf S. 81:
" The last season concert of the Buffalo Saengerbund, under the direction of Dr. Carl Winning, takes place Monday evening, May 1, at Elmwood Music hall. Following is the programme:
Saengergruss . . . Winning
Lenzsturm . . . . . Bruckner
Mannerchor und Clavierbegleitung.
Sopran Soli [...]." (°).
The Pittsburgh Daily Post Nr. 234 kündigt auf S. 31 (= S. 3 des 6. Teils) die Aufführung einer Bruckner-Chors [prov. WAB 67] für den 3.5.1916 an:
" On Wednesday evening, May 3, at 8:15 o'clock, the Cecilia, choir of the Western Theological Seminary, will give its thirteenth annual program of rarely-heard church music. The performance will take place in the Sixth Presbyterian Church, Forbes and Murray avenues, East End. The program includes Bach's motet "Jesu, Priceless Treasure;" unaccompanied choruses by Tallis, Bruckner, R. Nathaniel Dett, George Martin and Tchaikowsky. [... Uraufführung einer Motette von T. Carl Whitmer ...]. No cards of admission are necessary, and all interested persons are invited." (°°).
Auf dieses Konzert wird auch in The Pittsburg Press auf S. 64 = (S. 8 der Society Section) hingewiesen:
Wednesday evening at 8:15, the Cecilia, the choir of the Western Theological Seminary, will give its thirteenth annual program of rarely-heard church music. The performance will take place in the Sixth Presbyterian church, Forbes and Murray aves., Eastend. The program includes Bach's motet "Jesu, Priceless Treasure," unaccompanied choruses by Tallis( Bruckner, R. Nathaniel Dett, George C. Martin and Tchaikovsky. [... Uraufführung einer Motette von T. Carl Whitmer ...]. No cards of admission are necessary, and all interested persons are invited.
The members of the choir are: [... namentliche Aufzählung (Besetzung 4, 5, 4, 5) ...]; Charles N. Boyd, director. For this concert the choir will be assisted by Miss Elsie Crill, pianist; T. Carl Whitmer, organist, and Theodore Rentz, violinist." (°°°).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191604305, URL: Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11