zurück 12.2.1917, Montag ID: 191702125

Ankündigung der 3. Symphonie für den 16./17.2.1917 im South Pasadena Record Nr. 36 auf S. 4:
"             SYMPHONY
     In spite of the concerts of the Minneapolis orchestra playing in Los Angeles, adjacent to the concerts of the Los Angeles Symphony orchestra, the attendance on the last pair of concerts under Mr. Tandler was unusually good, showing a steady gain in interest in the work of the local orchestra. For the programs to be given on Friday and Saturday two decided novelties are offered, and are of such interest that it is probable the record interest attendance will be listed. The first of these is the Symphony Number 3 by Bruckner. This composer was contemporary with Brahms in Vienna, and his friends and admirers proclaimed his works as the equal of those of Brahms. Buckner [sic] was a follower of Wagner and, though poor and obscure, wrote eight symphonies before he was taken up to head the opposition to the Brahms cult. Only about one program in a hundred includes a Bruckner symphony, so this is a rare opportunity. The other work is to be given its first performance from manuscript, incidental music by George Edwards of San Diego [... "The Hunter" ... Olive Schreiner, Constance Crawley ...] an actress of wide experience."


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191702125, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-191702125
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11