zurück 10.8.1919. Sonntag ID: 191908105

The Observer Nr. 6690 (London) schreibt auf S. 7 über die Frage, ob man Musik von Kriegsgegnern aufführen können:
"      Music and Musicians.
            SETTLING DOWN.
           (By Ernest Newman.)
     Mr. Willliam Boosey, of the firm of Messrs. Chappell and Co., has raised a rather nice point for musical patriots. [... hat vor dem Krieg eine ungarische Oper "Sybil" erworben und wird sie baldmöglichst aufführen ... ]. The difficulty, as the "Daily News" says, "will be to define the area from which music may not be taken. Is it only Prussia that is out of bounds? [...].
    That is a subtle point. If all Germany was as guilty in the recent war as Prussia, then all Germany's allies were as guilty as she, and we ought to be still as set against Turkish or Bulgarian music (supposing there to be any) as against Meyerbeer and Wagner. [...]. As it is, we do not exactly know where we stand. Bruckner is still to be taboo because he was an Austrian; while the composer of "Sybil," –do I gather–is to be restored to grace because he was only a Hungarian, and therefore, in the eye of impartial justice, an enemy malgré lui. [... Hugo Wolf gilt als eine Art Tschechoslowake ...]. Richter was half Hungarian and half German, so that we really ought to have disliked him latterly only half as much as we did. Liszt was a Hungarian pur sang, [...].
    Anyhow, whatever we did or ought to have done during the war, the sensible thing to be done now is alear enough, and that is to give ourselves as quickly as possible the opportunity of hearing any German music that is likely to give us pleasure. German goods of all sorts are bound to come to us now, for unless we trade with Germany she cannot pay us our indemnity. [...]. If the "Rosenkavalier" was ever a good work, it is just as good now as it was on the 3rd of August, 1914, and there is no longer any reason why we should not hear it if we want to. [...]."


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191908105, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-191908105
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11