The St. Louis Star and Times Nr. 244 (St. Louis, Missouri) berichtet auf S. 25 (= S. 7 des 3. Teils) von Festival-Plänen im nächsten Frühling:
"Events In World of Musicians
IF the Civic Music Association realizes its ambition for a music festival in St. Louis net spring, one night of the week should be given over to the St. Louis Massenchor, and Hugo Anschuetz, director of that organization, should be requested to produce nothing short of the loftiest work. [... 600 Sänger ... geeignete Chorwerke? ... Neunte Beethoven letzten Mittwoch vor 6000 Besuchern ... jährlich ein Konzert geplant ... Interview mit Anschütz ...].
"On the other hand there are other big choral works that have never been heard in St. Louis and I am thinking of giving one of the symphonies of Anton Bruckner or the eighth symphony of Mahler. I expect to obtain information from friends in Germany as to which of the Bruckner works is best liked there and as to which one our singers could most satisfactorily handle."
Thus, if there is a music festival here next spring the Massenchor might be asked to give one of the concerts. [... über das vergangene Konzert ...]."
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192206045, URL: Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11