The Boston Globe Nr. 86 stellt auf S. 53 ein oder mehrere Bruckner-Werke für die kommende Saison in Aussicht:
"Prospects For the New Season
The chief difference between the coming Boston musical season and the last one is the prospect of more, and more varied opera. [... Gastspiele etc., Wagner-Opern ...].
The Boston Symphony concerts will be given without any marked innovations in repertory or soloists. [...] and Marcel Dupre, organist of Notre Dame in Paris.
Paderewski Returns
The new music of the season will, according to announcement from Symphony Hall, be chosen from the following works not hitherto played ar these concerts: [... 12 Namen ...]. Revivals of Bruckner, Mahler, Reger and of Strauss' "Also Sprach Zarathustra" are promised. The greater part of the programs as always will be filled with standard repertory pieces. [... andere Orchester, Chorvereine, Paderewski, Casella, Siegfried Wagner, Milhaud, Kammerkonzerte, Kartenverkauf des Boston Symphony Orchestra ...]. Mr Monteux will conduct. [... weitere Konzertankündigungen ...]." (*).
Von den Bostoner Plänen berichtet auch die New York Tribune Nr. 27706 auf S. 55 (= S. 5 des 5. Teils):
"Preparations Now Under Way For Busy Orchestral Season
By Katharine Wright
According to announcement from official headquarters, New York may expect the customary deluge of orchestral music during the coming season. [... Walter Damroschs 38. Saison mit dem New York Symphony Orchestra (Bruno Walter als Gastdirigent) ... andere Konzertreihen ... zum New York Philharmonic Orchestra (Mengelberg, Stransky) noch keine Details ...].
Meanwhile word comes from Boston that Pierre Monteux, who is soon to open the forty-second season of the Boston Symphony Orchestra in its native city on October 13, acquired a number of novelties during his recent stay abroad. These include [... Franzosen, Russen und andere Länder ...]. Mr. Monteux will also give special revivals of works by Bruckner, Mahler, Max Reger and Strauss.
Rudolph Ganz, conductor of the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra [... angekündigte Novitäten ... Rachmaninoff Nr. 3], played by the composer." (**).
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle Nr. 265 erwähnt auf S. 27 (= S. 3 des 2. Teils) die geplante Bruckner-Aufführung [prov. WAB 86] auch in seiner Vorschau auf die Gastspiele der Bostoner in Brooklyn:
"Boston Symphony Soloists Are World Famous Artists
The dates for the series of five concerts to be given in the Brooklyn Academy of Music by the Boston Symphony Orchestra are Friday evenings, Dec. 1, Jan. 5, Feb. 2, March 16 and April 6. Pierre Monteux, the conductor, has returned from Europe and is now preparing for the season's opening in Boston in Oct. 13. [... Solisten ...].
Mr. Monteux announces a number of new works of interest. [... französische und russische Komponisten, englische und italienische, Turina ...]. A number of works by native composers are to be announced later. There will be several revivals of German pieces, notably those of Bruckner, Mahler, Max Reger and Strauss's "Zarathustra." " (***).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192209245, URL: Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11