Julius Bittner berichtet Theodor Haas und Graener, er sei mit Brecher zusammen Schüler Bruckners gewesen. Kontrapunkt habe er schon längst vergessen (*).
Die New York Tribune Nr. 27748 berichtet auf S. 50 (= S. 6 des 5. Teils) von Neuzugängen der Musikbibliothek:
"Circulating High-Class Music Among Masses of the Public
By Dorothy Lawton
Music Librarian, Fifty-eigth Street Branch Library
Special Collections in New York's Branch Libraries
It was originally the intention of the New York Public Library to have music collections in all of its branch buildings. [... nur im Bereich der Oper durchgeführt ... einige Filialen sind spezialisiert ("Czech music", "negro music", Moderne) ... am umfangreichsten, dank Pauline Leipziger (frühere Bilbiotheksleiterin), ist die Filiale 58. Straße ... dank Adolph Lewisohns Spende viele neue Partituren ...].
Wagner Operas in Miniature Scores And Transcriptions for Pianoforte
Thanks to Miss Leipziger, there has always been a fairly good list of the classics in miniature score. [... neu: Wagner-Opern, Verdi, Puccini, Richard Strauss, Scrjabin, Strawinsky, Schönberg, Mahler (+ Bekkers Buch) ...]. The Third, Fifth and Ninth (as the most performed) symphonies of Bruckner to supplement in the popular four-hand form the small scores we had of his symphonies complete. [... italienische und andere Werke - ausführliche Aufzählung ...]." (**).
[Auf derselben Seite eine Abbildung von Ernest Hutcheson (vgl. 16.12.1912).]
Auf Seite 49 (= S. 5 des 5. Teils) wird auf die Bostoner Konzertpläne für New York hingewiesen:
"Unfamiliar Works On Programs of Boston Symphony
The coming season of the Boston Symphony Orchestra [...] will include the usual double series of five Thursday evenings and five Saturday afternoons in Carnegie Hall: November 30-December [2], January 4-6, February 1-3, March 15-17 and April 5-7.
Among scores announced as being performed for the first time in this country on the Boston program are: [... u. a. Honegger, Strawinsky, Scrjabin, Goossens, Holst ("Planets") etc. ...]. Symphonies by Bruckner and Mahler are added to the German list. The standard classics will, of course, comprise the bulk of the programs." (***).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192211055, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-192211055letzte Änderung: Mär 20, 2023, 21:21