Artikel von Karl Grunsky »Bruckner, der Bildner« in der Rheinisch-Westfälischen Zeitung (*).
Ein Artikel in The Observer Nr. 6860 (London) auf S. 7 macht auf das morgige Konzert mit der 4. Symphonie aufmerksam:
Brückner, who dies in 1896, is still little known here, and the opportunity of hearing one of his nine symphonies is very rare. This gives a special interest to the concert of the London Symphony Orchestra to-morrow, when the Fourth Symphony, surnamed "The Romantic," is to be performed under the conductorship of Albert Coates.
Brückner has been much discussed. Weingartner complained of him that his works were often ill planned and over-long, but added "that does not prevent us from deeply respecting and loving him, above all on account of his grandiose idealism, absolutely incomprehensible nowadays. . . . Let us erect to him a monument in our hearts. I confess that in modern symphonies nothing moves me so much, nor fills me with so much delight, as a simple theme, a few phrases from Brückner. I recall especially the commencement of the Romantic symphony."
The rest of the programme will be devoted to Wagner–the Prelude and Death Scene from "Tristan," the Prelude and Good Friday music from "Parsifal," and the Funeral March and Closing Scene from the "Dusk of the Gods." Madame Austral, whose appearance in "The Ring" at Covent Garden this summer created some sensation, will be the "Isolde" and the "Brünnhilde." " (**).
Ein Inserat auf Seite 1 weist ebenfalls darauf hin:
of 115 Performers.
TO-MORROW. (MON.), at 8.
Symphony No. 4 (Romantic) . . . . . . . . Bruckner.
[Tristan, Parsifal, Götterdämmerung] . . . Wagner.
Vocalist–Madame AUSTRAL.
Tickets, [...]." (***).
The New York Herald Nr. 81 schreibt auf S. 80 (= S. 8 des 7. Teils) über die Bostoner Konzertpläne:
"Varied Events Are on the Calendar in Music Circles
Among scores announced as having their first performance in this country by the Boston Symphony Orchestra this season are: [... u. a. Honegger, Strawinsky, Scrjabin, Goossens, Holst ("Planets") etc. ...]. Symphonies by Bruckner and Mahler will be added to the German list. The standard classics will compromise [sic] the bulk of the programs." (°).
The New York Times Nr. 23675 wiederholt auf S. 117 (= S. 5 des 7. Teils) eine schon am 12.11.1922 gebrachte Notiz (dort "Volkszeitung"):
"Current Music Notes of Interest And Events in Foreign Lands
In the field of the symphony, observes Kurt Singer in the Vorwärts, Bruckner is driving out Brahms in Germany." (°°).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192211195, URL: Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11