zurück 1.12.1922, Freitag ID: 192212015

The Lincoln Star (Lincoln, Nebraska) bringt auf S. 10 den bereits bekannten Artikel über die österreichischen Briefmarken [darunter IKO 142]:
"                Music Notes
     Some of the most artistic postage stamps recently come from Europe, according to the New York Times [25.6.1922], is a series of what may be called "music" stamps, issued by Austria. There are seven values, [...].
     The pictures follow a choronologcal [sic] sequence in respect to values. The oldest of this famous group of seven, Haydn, is on the 2½-crown value. Mozart appears on the 5-crown, [fehlt: "Beethoven on the 7½-crown"], Schubert on the 10-crown, Anton Bruckner on the 25-crown, Johann Strauss, the younger, on the 50-crown and Hugo Wolf on the 100-crown stamp, the highest value in the set. Wolf was a well known song writer who died about twenty years ago. Bruckner, who died in 1896 was a composer of many symphonies and for years was the organist at Linz.    As specimens of beautiful engravin gthese [sic] latest Austrian stamps are veritable gems of art. Most of the American dealers were ignorant of their issue until recently. [... Wohlfahrtsmarken ...] and, although available for postage at the designated values, are being sold, according to a Paris dealer, at ten times their face value, the excess being used for some charitable purpose. [... also 2000 Kronen für den Satz (= 25-30 US-Cents) ...].
    The stamps bear no names. The portraits of the musicians form the chief feature in the design ,being in a large oval in the centre surrounded by artistic scrolls, with "Oesterreich" in the top panel and the value in the lower panel."


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192212015, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-192212015
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11