The Boston Globe Nr. 6 meldet auf S. 49:
"Music Notes and Comment
The works that appear most frequently in the lists of orchestral performances all over Germany are Pfitzner's cantata "Von Deutscher Seele," and the symphonies of Bruckner and Mahler, to which may be added works of Reger." (*).
The Nebraska State Journal (Lincoln, Nebraska) bringt auf S. 26 (= S. 10 des 2. Teils) Briefe von ehemaligen Bürgern Lincolns, in deren einem Bruckner und Frederick Stock erwähnt werden
"Lincoln Is Remembered With Affection by Citizens in Other Fields.
THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. Dec. 18.–Dear Journal: Nothing could give me greater pleasure than to add my hearfelt [sic] word of Christmas greeting and good wishes to all the old Lincoln friends. [... Abbildung ... Erinnerungen ... Sport ... ].
Perhaps that does not suggest music, but I will talk shop before closing. I do miss the recitals, concerts and affairs that we used to enjoy in our school of music. Mr. Kimball had a great eye for the practical accomplishments of his proteges. The nice work, also, of Mrs. Raymond, in the oratorio lines is still fresh in memory. Here there are many great productions, but of no greater benefit to the student than what is available in Lincoln. I have many chats with Mr. Stock and he has honored us in our home, also Mr. DeLamarter, so I learn some things first hand, such as that Stock himself enjoys conducting Bruckner's works more than any other music.
I have heard the opera three times this season [...]. The symphony orchestra we hear frequently as they give ten concerts at the university and I give the program lectures for the association. [... "musical club", Orgelunterricht, Männerchor, gibt sonntags Orgelkonzerte ... Grüße an die Musikschule und die Presbyterian Church ...] in dear old Lincoln where the happiest memories of my life ever remain. Yours most cordially,
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192301075, URL: Änderung: Dez 03, 2024, 23:23