zurück 22.3.1923, Donnerstag ID: 192303225

Besprechung des Konzerts vom 18.3.1923 (mit der f-Moll-Symphonie) im Feuilleton Julius Korngolds in der Neuen Freien Presse Nr. 21024 auf S. 1 (*).
Im Saisonrückblick des Manchester Guardian Nr. 23898 auf S. 11, signiert "S. L.", kommt die Vernachlässigung Bruckners zur Sprache:
     This year the Hallé Orchestra has wound up its winter season in a blaze of triumph. [... kam auch ohne "Stars" aus (Sonderlob für Konzertmeister Arthur Catterall ... Leitung Mr. Harty ...].
   Now that a steady and complete audience for the Hallé Concerts has once more been secured, we should be able to look confidently during the next season for fresh developments of the musical policy. [... Klassisches, Richard Strauss, Ravel, Respighi etc. ...]. But the policy has been, after all, conservative, without including a complete representation of the symphony in its latest developments. Bruckner and Mahler are still unknown to our musical public, though in Germany they now hold an acknowledged position beside Brahms and Beethoven. Schönberg, Stravinski, and Reger are as little heeded. There can be no doubt that the presentation of these composers would entail some efforts and sacrifice to the members of the Hallé Society. [... Eignung des Orchesters? ... Einsatz der früheren Dirigenten ...].
                                                                S. L." (**).
Der Rochester Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, New York) schildert auf S. 12 die Hintergründe der neuen österreichischen Briefmarken-Edition [mit IKO 142]:
"AUSTRIA'S STAMPS.     Stamp collectors have a miniature record of national changes made in accord with events momentous in the life of nations. One of the most significanr of these records is now being made by the Austrian government. Immediately after the war Austria found it necessary to cancel the stamp issues which symbolized the Austro-Hungarian empire. Then came adoption of a new symbolism, which was made non-militaristic. The first series of stamps issued was one in which art and industry were symbolized. Now comes an issue of seven stamps of different denominations, each of which has a famous musical composer as principal decoration. Beethoven, Haydn, Mozart, Schubert, Bruckner, Johann Strauss and Hugo Wolf are the composers chosen.     The old imperial spirit and glory have gone; the real distinction of Austria's contributions to art and science remains. [... allgemein über Briefmarken als nationale Kennzeichen ...]." (***).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192303225, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-192303225
letzte Änderung: Jul 04, 2024, 6:06