Die Wiener Stimmen Nr. 131 kündigen auf S. 2 die morgige Kirchenmusik in Grinzing und in St. Leopold (Wien XXI.) an (*).
The Vancouver Province Nr. 64 (The Province, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) stuft auf S. 12 in einem Artikel zur Bewertung von Komponisten Bruckner in die dritte Gruppe ein:
"IT WOULD seem, on the surface, a very difficult task to classify the best known composers of music according to rank, ability and quality of their works. [...].
But a writer who has made a special study of the lines and works of the great composers, claims that the task is not so difficult as it appears, "Indeed it may be reduced," he says, "to a few very simple principles.
"In any of the arts, music included," he reasons, "these men are greatest, not who amass the largest fortunes, or make for themselves the biggest 'names' among their contemporaries; but those who contribute the greatest number of important ideas, both to the art of music and to those who absorb it, and who, in the long run, influence, for knowledge or for sensibility, the greatest number of human individuals.
[... Einteilung in drei Klassen: 1. "in the language of "all humanity"", 2. "less "universal" power, less "universal appeal", weniger eigenständig, 3. nationaler Ausdruck, volksnäher, keine universelle Musiksprache ...], 4. "Below this class" ...].
"The following is a partial list of the great known composers of the Western world since the time of Bach. [...].
"Composers of the highest rank include, in the order of their lives, Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig Van Beethoven and Richard Wagner.
"Composers of the next rank include (not in strict order): Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Chopin, and possibly Brahms and Gluck.
"Composers of the next, or national rank include, broadly:
"Italian: Rossini, Verdi, Donizetti.
"German or Germanic: Weber, and composers like Spohr, Marschner, Bruch, Nicolai, Bruckner, Mahler, Rheinberger, Humperdinck.
"Scandinavian: Greig [sic], possibly Gade.
"Russian: [... sechs Namen ... Liszt, Smetana, Dvorak ... Frankreich (acht Namen) ...]." (**).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192406075, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-192406075letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11