zurück 21.7.1924, Montag ID: 192407215

Im St. Louis Globe-Democrat Nr. 63 wird auf S. 11 ein Bruckner-Schüler erwähnt:
"School of Fine Arts to Be New Feature at Missouri University
[...] a School of Fine Arts, which will officially open its doors with the opening of school in September. Music has long held an honorable place in the curriculum of the University of Missouri. For the past seventeen years Prof. William R. Pommer, himself a pupil of Anton Bruckner (of symphonic fame), has occupied the chair of music and has done valuable pioneer service in the cause of good music. For the past eighteen years Zeta Chapter of Phi Mu Alpha has sponsored a series of concerts by the best artists and symphony orchestras that the country affords. All of this pioneer work is coming to fruition in the organization and development of the school of fine arts.
     There has been a strong demand in musical circles in 'Missouri, for the organization of such a school. [...] Prof. Pommer retired in 1922, and Prof. James T. Quarles was called from Cornell University to assume the chair of music in the university, [... über die Organisation, den Lehrkörper ...]; William Henry Pommer, emeritus professor of music; [... Lehrplan etc. ... Bedeutung der Kunst ...]."


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192407215, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-192407215
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11