zurück 2.2.1925, Montag ID: 192502025

The South Bend Tribune Nr. 247 (South Bend, Indiana) bringt auf S. 9 den schon am 30.11.1924 veröffentlichten Text über Autodidakten in der Musik:
[... über Dawes' musikalischen Werdegang ... über das Wesen eines Autodidakten ... Leschetizkys Methode ...].
     The official attitude has largely governed the world's treatment of the self-taught artist. The autodidact has not submitted to neglect, however. He has gone his way, not even caring that the musical world has usually chosen to forget that he was self-taught any more than it cares for Bach's statement that the secret of his genius was industry. That world is now celebrating the centenary of Anton Bruckner. He had a teacher in the end, it is true, but previously he had made himself a musician.
              What Irving Berlin Did.
     Beside Bruckner of the somber symphonies set Irving Berlin, the son of a cantor, who composed "Alexander's Ragtime Band" without ever taking a lesson. [... wie 30.11.1924 ...]."


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192502025, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-192502025
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11