zurück 8.6.1929, Samstag ID: 192906085

Aufführung von »Träumen und Wachen« durch den Wiener Schubertbund im Großen Konzerthaussaal in Wien (*).

Das Edmonton Journal Nr. 275 (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) bringt auf S. 10 einen Artikel zu Dvoraks 25. Todestag.
     Lack of profundity, lack of intellectual ability to organize great symphonic structures, a too facile technique–all these deny Dvorak a place in the front seats of Elysium (if it be true that there are seats in Elysium) yet–is it not a relief to have some man like this–a poorer symphonist as regards technique than Bruckner or Mahler!–a man without a "Weltanschauung" or a complex or an inhibition–to fall back on when Schonberg's mathematics have been just a little too mathematical for our tired brains?"
[keine Signatur – diese Rubrik ("In the Realm of Music") is "Edited by LILY MULLETT"] (**).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192906085, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-192906085
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11