Der Korrespondentenbericht (datiert Salzburg, 20.8.1929) über die Musikfeste in München und Salzburg in The Age 23237 (Melbourne, Victoria, Australien) auf S. 10 kommt auch auf das Konzert mit der 7. Symphonie [am 19.8.1929] zu sprechen:
The Vienna Philharmonic.
Before speaking of the opera, [... zwei Konzerte ... Lob für Mozart-Interpretation, Schwächen bei Elgar ...].
At their greatest, however, they undoubtedly were last night, when, under the direction of a great conductor, the veteran Franz Schalk, they played a programm consisting of Beethoven's fifth and Bruckner's seventh symphony. The Beethoven was superb [...]. Bruckner's Symphony no doubt was equally well played, [... einige Vorbehalte gegen das Werk ...]. Schalk, however, conducted it from memory, and evidently enjoyed every bar of it, and the orchestra was as obviously keyed up to give of their best–and their best, as will be gathered, is of an extraordinary quality." [keine Signatur].
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192909285, URL: Änderung: Jun 09, 2024, 12:12