zurück 23.11.1930, Sonntag ID: 193011235

The Central New Jersey Home News (The Sunday Times, New Brunswick, New Jersey) referiert auf S. 8 über einen Artikel "What the Traveler Can Find in Germany; Research Rewarded" im November-Heft der Zeitschrift "The Diapason", in dem Howard D. McKinney, Musikdirektor an der Rutgers University, von seiner Europareise im Sommer berichtet:
"                Germany Gives Most
[... über die Orgelkultur und das europäische Musikleben (Bayreuth, Salzburg, München, Wien) ...].
     "At Munich [...] excellent summer performances of Wagner and Mozart operas. Vienna, with its peculiar blend of lightheartedness and melancholy, still fragrant with memories of Haydn, Mobart [sic], Beethoven, Schubert, Brahms, Strauss (both Johann and Richard), and Bruckner, must always remain the siren city of all musicians. Then, too there are such cities as Berlin, Weimar and Dresden, each with its particular interests to make Germany the musician's paradise." " (*).

The Cincinnati Enquirer Nr. 228 bringt auf S. 67 (= S. 5 des 3. Teils) einen Artikel von George A. Leighton über das Kommerzdenken in der Musik:
"High Art! [... mehrere anekdotische Beispiele zu Richard Strauss ... noch 1912 habe es in Berlin Claques für Brahms gegeben ... abfällige Äußerung eines Amerikaners über Brahms ...]. The clash between Northern and Southern Germany which resulted in Mahler and Bruckner being thrust forward as successors to Beethoven to refute claims of Brahms's enthusiasts still reverberates and survives to this day.
      Reverting to the Strauss tales, which were told to the writer while in Berlin, jealousy on the part of the teller was sufficiently in evidence to take all force away from the anecdotes. [... über das Gehalt Stokowskis ("that's highest art") etc. ...]. (**).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 193011235, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-193011235
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11