zurück 2.10.1871, Montag ID: 187110025

In einem Übersichtsartikel in The Times Nr. 27183 auf S. 9 wird in der 6. Spalte auch Bruckner erwähnt:
[... Statistik, über die Beliebtheit der einzelnen Abteilungen, den finanziellen Erfolg, die Publikationen, die beteiligten Länder ...]
     The musical entertainments given in the Albert Hall formed a very important part of the whole undertaking, and they were to a very great extent experimental, to serve as a basis for more definite work in the future. [... einige Konzerte waren nicht im Rahmen der Ausstellung ... zur Austellung gehörten: Auftragswerke zur Eröffnung (Pinsuti, Ferdinand Hiller, Arthur Sullivan), Konzerte von Militärkapellen ....].
     The great organ was formally opened by Mr. W. T. Best, organist of the Hall, on the 18th of July; and from that date until the close of the Exhibition there have been daily performances by the most distinguished continental organists, Mr. Best himself playing every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Comparisons would be out of place; but it may be stated that, as the combinations of the instrument are most perplexing until they are thoroughly mastered, and as most of the foreign organists arrived only a few days before they were required to perform, they must be considered to have been playing at some disadvantage. Thery appeared in the following order:-M. Heintze, a very promising young artist, from the Conservatorium at Stockholm; Herr Lohr, from Pesth, a gentleman evidently with strong sympathy with the Liszt and Wagner school; Herr Anton Bruckner, the Vienna Court organist, whose specialité is in classical improvisation, and who was afterwards received with great favour at the Crystal Palace; M. Alphonse Mailly, of Brussels, a charming artist, evidently quite at home with the huge instrument; M. Camille Saint-Saens, the well-known organist of the Madeleine, Paris; M. Lindemann, of Christiania; Herr Lux, of Hesse; Herr Jod, of Stuttgart; and Herr Henrice, of Baden; all of whom played extremely well in their several styles. Besides these     performances, Mr. Mapleson gave two very successfull afternoon concerts, with the entire strength of the Drury-lane Opera Company.
     [... zur Akustik, Konzertplanung für 1872 (u. a. Chorkonzerte unter Gounod, Orchesterkonzerte unter Sullivan, Oratorien unter Michael Costa) ... Verbesserungsvorschläge für die Zukunft ... kurz über die Schlussproduktion ...]. The curtain had fallen, and the audience dispersed."


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 187110025, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-187110025
letzte Änderung: Nov 15, 2024, 14:14