zurück 30.12.1887, Freitag ID: 188712305

Bruckner wird in der Jahresübersicht des Glasgow Herald Nr. 312 auf S. 4 in der 6. Spalte erwähnt:
     In London the year 1887 has been one of almost unexampled activity in almost all branches of the musical art. [... Oper, Kammermusik, Chorkonzerte ...].
     The competition between rival orchestras has led to the production of several works of importance. Among these were symphonies by Richard Wagner, Cowen [..., Herbert Parry, Stanford, Rubinstein, Henry Holmes ...], Widor in A, Bruckner No. 7, besides Corder's "Roumanian" suite, [... weitere Werke ... Sonderkonzerte, Verstorbene ...]." [keine Signatur]


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 188712305, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-188712305
letzte Änderung: Sep 21, 2024, 21:21