zurück 5.8.1888, Sonntag ID: 188808055

Für Mitglieder der Katholischen Studentenverbindung Austria (Innsbruck), deren Alte Herren sich seit gestern in Linz trafen und die am Sonntagnachmittag einen Ausflug nach St. Florian machen, spielt Bruckner Orgel (*).
Die Chicago Tribune gibt auf S. 18 in Spalte 2f einen Überblick über die Konzerte von Theodor Thomas:
The Excellence of the Orchestra – The Compositions Requested – Notes.

     Mr. Thomas' series of Summer Night Concerts at the Exposition Building came to an end last evening. [... Überblick, weltweite Spitzenstellung des Orchesters, Zitat aus einer Kritik von H. E. Krehbiel in der New York Tribune ... ].
     The following are the titles of all the works presented, the figures indicating the number of times each has been played. [... Bruckner ist nicht verzeichnet ...].
                      Request Programs.
     The request letters which Mr. Thomas received during the season just ended show a marked advance in musical appreciation over those of preceding years. The following list gives the names of the composers whose music has been asked for and the number of requests belonging to each: Wagner, 55; Beethoven, 38; Liszt, 23: Handel, 17;  [...]; Brahms, 7; [...]; Rubinstein, 18; Massenet, 3; Bruckner (symphony), 5; Jensen, 2; Volkman, 4; [...], Ghinka [sic], and Grieg once each. It is a somewhat surprising fact that only seven of the entire number of pieces asked for were dance music." (**).



Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 188808055, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-188808055
letzte Änderung: Okt 24, 2024, 22:22