zurück 17.9.1889, Dienstag ID: 188909175

The Burlington Free Press Nr. 223 (Vermont) veröffentlicht auf S. 4 einen mit 25.8.1889 datierten Brief mit einem ausführlichen Bayreuth-Bericht:
"             WAGNER'S OPERAS.
                [... Inhaltsübersicht ...]
     [We are permitted to copy for the benefit of our music-loving readers the following extracts from a private letter from a young American lady now abroad. Ed. FREE PRESS.]
     DRESDEN, August 25.–When one is at Bayreuth, one is conscious of one great thing, a sense of completion, of perfection, which I have never felt elsewhere. [... Schilderung der Eindrücke ...].
     [... ausführlich und höchst lobend über die Aufführungen von Tristan (Sucher "gottlich", Vogl, Gura/Betz, Staudigl), Meistersinger (ohne Striche, Betz/Reichmann, Friedrichs, Armbruster (Chorleiter), Hofmüller, Gudehus ("looks like a fish, and can't act.")), Parsifal "is beyond all words" (Van Dyck/Gruning, Materna/Malten) ... Besuch des deutschen Kaiserpaares (bis 18.8.1889), Empfang bei Cosima Wagner (Levi, Bülow-Töchter, Eva Wagner, Siegfried Wagner, Wagners Bibliothek, Bernhard Stavenhagen, Moitk [= Mottl?], Blauwaert (Gurnemanz), amerikanische Gäste (Mme. Antoinette Sterling, Mr. Maeder)) ...]:
     Had I time, I could tell you about [... Gedächtnisgottesdienst für Liszt, Klavierfabrik Steingräber, Richard Strauss, Konzertmeister Rosé, Angermann (Bier, Sauerkraut, Limonade-Bier) ..] and I must close with a list of a few of the well-known musicians and other people whose names appeared on the fremden-listen–Franz Rummel, Eugen a' Albert [d'Albert], Max Alvary Achenbach, Albert Theinams, Alma Tadema, Sgambati, Anna Abbott, Clara Louise Kellogg and her husband, Max Heinrich, Arthur Seidl, Carl Klindworth, Eduard Lassen, Louis Maus, Richard Burmester and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Henschel, William Shakespeare (the singing teacher of London), Anton Bruckner and many others. There were also many other less interesting people, such as princes and princesses, "durchlauchts" and "Konigliche hoheits" by the hundred. One royal personage in whom I was much interested was the Queen of Roumania, "Carmen Sylva," and I gazed at her charming, fascinating face with the greatest admiration.
                                 Yours ever,              ——."


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 188909175, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-188909175
letzte Änderung: Jan 20, 2024, 23:23