zurück 30.10.1891, Freitag ID: 189110305

Kritiken über die 4. Symphonie im »Generalanzeiger und Korrespondent von und für Deutschland« und in der Nürnberger Stadtzeitung (signiert »-n.«) (*).

Bei der Versammlung des Steiermärkischen Musikvereins (anwesend u.a.: Fr. v. Hausegger und Max von Karajan) wird die 4. Symphonie als Inventar des Musikalienarchivs erwähnt (**).

Die St. Louis Post-Dispatch Nr. 349 informiert auf S. 6 in der 1. Spalte über das "Te deum" [Konzert am 1.12.1891] und die Proben:
"             Kenrick Jubilee Chorus.
     The Archbishop Kenrick Jubilee Chorus is making rapid strides in mastering Bruckner's "Te Deum." From present indications the results which Director Otten will achieve with the great chorus will be magnificent. The occasion will be one of the greatest musical events of the winter season. Bruckner, as a musician, is one of the most pronounced types of the Neo-German school of which the present work is typical. When performed last year before the Artist-Musicians' Convention at Berlin it met with unstinted praise. The chorus on that occasion was only half as large as the one now engaged in rehearsing it. The work is typical of our day, and is entirely new in conception and method. The leading motif seems to be the triumphant song of the Nineteenth Century Christian, who, though harrassed and surrounded with doubts, conquors and rises above them. This idea is worked out in an superb manner. The concluding chorus is a sublime expression of intense conviction.
     The mass rehearsals for the three secetions [sic] of the chorus will begin on Sunday, Nov. 8 in Pickwick Theater at 3 o'clock. The chorus of fifty voices for the church services during the jubilee has been formed and will begin rehearsing Gounod's "Missa sallenelle" next Saturday." (***).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 189110305, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-189110305
letzte Änderung: Apr 15, 2023, 11:11