zurück 30.8.1892, Dienstag ID: 189208305

Der bereits am 27.8.1892 veröffentlichte Artikel erscheint auch in den "Evening News" Nr. 7877 (Sydney) auf S. 7:
"       Musical Mems.
     We quote the following article from BRAINERD'S MUSICAL WORLD, showing the great masters whose works are most frequently performed and most popular in Germany. The writer says: "The MUSICAL ALMANAC of Germany, or at least one of them, gives a review of the concert programmes that were performed during the past year. From it we learn what masters are most popular in the land of music. [...]
     "A good deal of attention has been bestowed upon such composers as Goldmark, Greig [sic], Hartmann, Hoffmann, Bargial [sic], Draeseke, Gernsheim, Jadassohn, Svendsen, Nicole d'Albert, Franz, Heller, and others; but we must come to a close. One meets here also with names which 25 years ago were very popular, but which have now lost that popularity. This applies to Hummel, Hiller, the Lachners, and others. The Bruckner fever also has passed away.
     "Two American composers we find represented abroad, namely, Floersbeim and Hamerick. [...]."


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 189208305, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-189208305
letzte Änderung: Mai 06, 2023, 7:07