zurück 2.1.1897, Samstag ID: 189701025

Der Tod Bruckners wird wie gestern in einigen amerikanischen Zeitungen bekanntgeben:
The Pleasanton Observer (Kansas) auf S. 1:
12. Storm: A West India hurricane swept the Atlantic coast from New England to New Jersey.
     Obituary: Herr Bruckner, celebrated musical composer, in Vienna; aged 72. [...]." (*) und
The Racine Daily Journal (Wisconsin) auf S. 6 [identischer Text] (*a).
In The Times Nr. 35090 (London) wird auf S. 13 Bruckner im Jahresrückblick erwähnt:
"                MUSIC IN 1896.
     The past year has been a somewhat momentous one in the operatic history of the country, and for several reasons. [...].
     The obituary list for the year is a heavy one, though it is not long; [... Clara Schumann, Joseph Barnby, Henry Leslie, Augustus Harris, J. A. Novello ...]; and Anton Bruckner was the author of many ambitious compositions, whose very name was hardly known to English musicians." [keine Signatur] (**).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 189701025, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-189701025
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11