zurück 22.8.1897, Sonntag ID: 189708225

Die in Rochester erscheinende Zeitung Democrat and Chronicle Nr. 234 schildert auf S. 15 in der 5. Spalte Bruckners Verhalten am 7.11.1891:
"               In the Musical World.
    –The Viennese composer Bruckner, who died a few months ago, was noted for his bashfulness. It is related that when the University of Vienna made him an honorary doctor, he got up after receiving his diploma to make a few remarks. But the words stuck in his throat, and he could not utter two coherent sentences. Finally he exclaimed, "If I only had my organ here, I would know how to express myself," and sat down.
     –Frau Materna has sold her house in Vienna and bought an elegant villa near Graz. [...]" (*).

Dieselbe Anekdote wird auch von der Los Angeles Times (California) gebracht:
     The Viennese composer Bruckner, who died a few months ago, was noted for his bashfulness. It is related that when the University of Vienna made him an honorary doctor, he got up after receiving his diploma, to make a few remarks. But the words stuck in his throat, and he could not utter two coherent sentences. Finally he exclaimed, "If I only had my organ here, I would know how to express myself," and sat down." (**).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 189708225, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-189708225
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11