The Buffalo Courier Nr. 247 erwähnt auf S. 14 Franz Schalks Tätigkeit als Bearbeiter Brucknerscher Werke:
" Franz Schalk, who has been engaged by Maurica Grau to succeed Anton Seidl as conductor at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York, was born in 1863. He studied violin with Heussler and Hellmesberger in the Vienna Conservatory. In 1881 he made his debut as a violinist, but was afterward employed to transcribe the orchestral works of Bruckner, with whom he had studied counterpart and composition. In 1888 he went to Gratz, in Bohemia, as a successor of Dr. Muck. [... weitere Stationen ... über dem Text eine Abbildung Schalks ...]."
" Franz Schalk, who has been engaged by Maurica Grau to succeed Anton Seidl as conductor at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York, was born in 1863. He studied violin with Heussler and Hellmesberger in the Vienna Conservatory. In 1881 he made his debut as a violinist, but was afterward employed to transcribe the orchestral works of Bruckner, with whom he had studied counterpart and composition. In 1888 he went to Gratz, in Bohemia, as a successor of Dr. Muck. [... weitere Stationen ... über dem Text eine Abbildung Schalks ...]."
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 189809045, URL: Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11