zurück 18.9.1898, Sonntag ID: 189809185

Brief von Bernhard Ziehn an Hugo Kaun, vermutlich in Chicago geschrieben:
     Über einen Männerchor Reichardts. Für die ersten zwei Konzerte von Theodor Thomas sei Kauns Ouvertüre von "Maler von Antwerpen" noch nicht vorgesehen. Arthur Mees sei seit Anfang September in New York.
     "Das letzte Brucknerbild wollte ich nach Erfurt schicken, habe es indessen vor 8 Tagen der Frau Watson geschenkt."
     Ob Kaun jemanden kenne, der ihm Eitners Monatshefte für Musikgeschichte Nr. 9 leihen könnte? (*).

The Courier-Journal Nr. 10854 (Louisville, Kentucky) bringt auf S. 11 ein Interview mit Franz Schalk im Wortlaut:
     Musical people are now giving much attention to Franz Schalk, who has been selected as successor to the late Anton Seidl as conductor of the German performances by the Metropolitan Opera Company. [... Abbildung Franz Schalk ... Engagement durch Maurice Grau ...]
     Schalk has been spending the summer in Austria, where he told a correspondent of the New York Tribune these things about himself, having first stated that he was thirty-five years of age:
     "In 1881 I made my debut as violinist in Vienna. I came, however, more und more under the influences of the symphonic writer Bruckner, who has been my teacher in composition. He employed me later in the transcription and publication of his great orchestral works, and at his instigation I gave up my violin and devoted myself to what is in a way a higher form of musical activity. I tried my hand as a director in some smaller theaters and in 1888 I was called to Graz, in Bohemia. Dr. Muck, the present capellmeister in Berlin, was my predecessor there."
     "How did you come to leave Graz?"
     "I was there a long while, about eight years [... nach dieser Antwort folgen noch zwei Fragen und Antworten ...]". (**).

The Kansas City Journal Nr. 100 (Kansas City, Missouri) greift auf S. 11 auf den schon am 11.9.1898 andernorts verwendeten Text zurück:
     According to the Musical Courier, Franz Schalk, the young conductor whom Maurice Grau has engaged for his German operas, is of Hebraic extraction and was born in 1863. He studied violin with Hellmesberger and composition with Bruckner at the Vienna conservatory, and went to Graz, in Bohemia, to conduct in 1888. [...]." (***).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 189809185, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-189809185
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11