zurück nach dem 27./28.12.1901 ID: 190112286

[hypothetische Datierung, auch 29.12.1901 denkbar]
Besprechungen der 5. Symphonie
durch William Foster Apthorp [vermutlich im Boston Transcript]:
"[...] the themes are of distinguished beauty, the working out is always original and often beautiful; the instrumentation while never calling attention to itself either by its beauty or its ugliness, gives one the feeling that not for a moment would anything else do. There is, back of all this, a tremendous power.",
durch Philip Hale [vermutlich im Boston Journal].
"Mr. Hale felt that Boston does not hear such music nearly often enough and yet he says: "To me Bruckner is dullest in this symphony." But he also calls it "a strange symphony, but a gigantic one, one that should not be put away for a dozen years. No doubt twenty years from now the work will seem logically simple.""
und durch Mr. Elson [vermutlich im Boston Advertiser]:
"... worth hearing and is worth studying, yet falls short of greatness and is chiefly interesting as a phase of modern development in music."


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190112286, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-190112286
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11