zurück 29.12.1901, Sonntag ID: 190112295

The Boston Globe Nr. 182 berichtet auf S. 30 vom Konzert mit der 5. Symphonie [am 27.12.1901 und 28.12.1901]:
     Two novelties were on last week's Symphony program – Bruckner's fifth symphony and Mottl's arrangement of Bach's F major concerto for trumpet, flute, oboe and violin, with accompaniment. The other numbers were [... Weber, Brahms ...].
     The Bruckner symphony is a big work, not very coherent or systematic in its form, but interesting, scholarly and very skilfully orchestrated. The themes are developed fully, and often a harsh effect is produced by pitting two themes against each other, leaving an auditor in doubt as to the outcome, until the modulations are reached. A single hearing is not suficient for judging the composition, which appears to have many detached movements, but probably may be taken as typical of the mooeds of a man whose life was so clouded as was that of Bruckner. The orchestral work was very effective, the sonority of the strings and the excellence of the basses commendable and very prominent features in the performance.
     This week's program will comprise [...]." [keine Signatur]


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190112295, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-190112295
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11