zurück 8.11.1903, Sonntag ID: 190311085

The Times-Democrat Nr. 16950 (New Orleans, Louisiana) berichtet auf S. 35 vom Musikfestival in Birmingham mit dem "Te deum" [am 16.10.1903]:

Special Correspondence of The Times-Democrat.
                          Birmingham, Oct. 24, 1903.
IN ONE OF THE PRINCIPAL LONdon papers of the 5th instant there was a paragraph beginning: "Saturday practically opened the winter musical season in London, although there will be nothing of moment there will be nothing of moment [sic]. [... über die Bedeutung und Geschichte des Festivals, erstmals 1768 ... das aktuelle Programm ... das letzte Konzert ... für viele ein gesellschaftliches Muss ... Mode ... über Elgars "Apostel", bedeutsam für das Oratorium wie [Zitat aus einer Kritik] "Parsifal" für die Oper und "Heldenleben" für die Symphonie ...].

     The programme for Friday evening was a miscellaneous one, consisting of Bruckner's "Te Deum"  (the first performance in England); Dvorak [... Brahms, Beethovens 9. Sinfonie ...]. One would expect a certain slackness in the singing at the end of such a week's work, but on Friday night the chorus showed no traces of fatigue, so fresh and strong and triumphant as it was. As for the soloists, Miss Agnes Nicholls, Miss Muriel Foster, William Green and Andrew Black, they were simply perfect. When one mentions that the conductor was Dr. Richter one need say no more on that score.
     [... über Beethovens 9. Sinfonie ... über den Schmuck der "Town Hall", die Kleidung der Chormitglieder und des Publikums ...]. The president for this year was Earl Howe, and he and his party attended every one of the eight concerts. [... weitere prominente Besucher: Mrs. George Cornwallis West (Lady Randolph Churchill) und die Duchess of Marlborough ... über deren Toilette und Schmuck ...]. She is said to be extremely musical, and I noticed, in the interval, that she and Dr. Elgar were chatting with great animation.        DIXIE."


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190311085, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-190311085
letzte Änderung: Jan 29, 2024, 12:12