The Indianapolis Journal Nr. 129 weist auf S. 25 auf das Festival (mit der 9. Symphonie am 14.5.1904) hin:
" Musical Events This Week
[...] The Great Cincinnati Festival...Schumann-Heink's Coming Concert
THE programme of the public concert [... Musikvereinskonzert "at the German House" ...]
Cincinnati's Great Festival.
The Cincinnati May Musical Festival will be held this week, and many Indianapolis people will attend the great concerts. [... Festivalgeschichte, Theodor Thomas und "his catholicity of taste and adherence to an ideal" ... 125 Spieler im Orchester, 450 Chormitglieder ... die Solisten ...].
The five programmes are stupendous, the choral works being Bach's B minor mass, [... Beethoven, Elgar, Brahms, Berlioz ...]. The orchestral selections cover the entire field of classic and modern masters, including liberal quotations from Wagner, Richard Strauss, Bruckner and Elgar. The vocal solo numbers [...]. The five programmes, as a whole, represent Theodore Thomas as the great single figure in the music of the United States, [... Kartenpreise etc. ...]." (*).
Inhaltlich übereinstimmend die Ankündigung in The New York Times Nr. 16955 auf S. 8:
Remarkable Programmes to be Given Under Theodore Thomas This Week.
The sixteenth of the Cincinnati biennial May festivals will be held [... Termine ... 125 Spieler im Orchester, 450 Chormitglieder ... die Solisten ...].
The five programmes are remarkable, the choral works being Bach's B minor mass, [... Beethoven, Elgar, Brahms, Berlioz ...]. The orchestral selections cover the entire field of classic and modern masters, including liberal quotations from Wagner, Richard Strauss, Bruckner, and Elgar. The vocal solo numbers are of most dignified character.
[... Kartenanfragen an G. H. Wilson ...] will answer all inquiries." (**).
Remarkable Programmes to be Given Under Theodore Thomas This Week.
The sixteenth of the Cincinnati biennial May festivals will be held [... Termine ... 125 Spieler im Orchester, 450 Chormitglieder ... die Solisten ...].
The five programmes are remarkable, the choral works being Bach's B minor mass, [... Beethoven, Elgar, Brahms, Berlioz ...]. The orchestral selections cover the entire field of classic and modern masters, including liberal quotations from Wagner, Richard Strauss, Bruckner, and Elgar. The vocal solo numbers are of most dignified character.
[... Kartenanfragen an G. H. Wilson ...] will answer all inquiries." (**).
The Inter Ocean Nr. 45 (Chicago, Illinois) schreibt auf S. 30 in der 4. Spalte:
" The sixteenth of the Cincinnati biennial May festivals will be held [... Termine ... 125 Spieler im Orchester, 450 Chormitglieder ... die Solisten ...].
The five programmes are stupendous, the choral works being Bach's B minor mass, [... Beethoven, Elgar, Brahms, Berlioz ...]. The orchestral selections cover the entire field of classic and modern masters, including liberal quotations from Wagner, Richard Strauss, Bruckner, and Elgar. The vocal solo numbers are of most dignified character. The five programmes as a whole represent Theodore Thomas as the great single figure in the music of the United States, [...]
" The sixteenth of the Cincinnati biennial May festivals will be held [... Termine ... 125 Spieler im Orchester, 450 Chormitglieder ... die Solisten ...].
The five programmes are stupendous, the choral works being Bach's B minor mass, [... Beethoven, Elgar, Brahms, Berlioz ...]. The orchestral selections cover the entire field of classic and modern masters, including liberal quotations from Wagner, Richard Strauss, Bruckner, and Elgar. The vocal solo numbers are of most dignified character. The five programmes as a whole represent Theodore Thomas as the great single figure in the music of the United States, [...]
[... Kartenanfragen an G. H. Wilson ...] will answer all inquiries." (***).
Gleichlautend auch der New York Tribune Nr. 20993 auf S. 25 (°)
und The Buffalo Sunday Morning News Nr. 31 auf S. 8 (°°).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190405085, URL: Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11