Brief von Karl Waldeck [an Friedrich Waldeck?]:
»[...] Ein treueres Bild des Brucknerschen Spieles kann niemand geben als ich mit der G-Moll-Phantasie. Diese kann auch ganz gut auf Pianoforte gespielt werden, weil sie kein separates Pedal enthält. [...]« (***).
Die Zeitung L'Italia Nr. 116 (San Francisco, California) bringt auf S. 2 den anekdotischen Bericht von Bruckners Verhalten bei der Proben zur Uraufführung der 4. Symphonie [vor dem 20.2.1881] (Hans Richter erhält einen Taler zum Geschenk):
Il tallero di Hans Richter.
Hans Richter, il sommo fra i direttori d'orchestra, alla catena dell'orologio porta sempre appeso un tallero di Maria Teresa; e a chi gli domanda perchè porti quell'amuleto da zecca, risponde:
– "E' la memoria d'un giorno che ho versate lagrime. Dirigevo per la prima volta, alle prove, una sinfonia di Bruckner, il quale come autore, sebbene già vecchio, non godeva ancora alcun nome, non era quasi preso sul serio, non si eseguiva mai. Allorchè ebbi finito, vidi Bruckner venirmi allato con uno sguardo estatico, raggiante con un sorriso di beatitudine celestiale; e mi sentii mettere qualche cosa nella mano e chiudere il pugno: Tenete, tenete e bevete un bicchiere alla mia salute! – Il candido Bruckner dava la mancia al più gran direttore d'orchestra del mondo come ad un capobanda di villaggio! Richter prese il tallero e lo tenne; ma per sempre, ma in memoria dell'uomo, della sua semplicità e delle lagrime che quel l'innocente in capelli bianchi fece versare." (°).
The Wilkes-Barre Record weist auf S. 14 verspätet auf das Festival hin: "The dates of the sixteenth Cincinnati Music Festival are May 11, 12, 13 and 14. A glance at the following stupendous works which will be produced this year will convince any one that the present will be the most brilliant in the history of the biennial festivals which have made Cincinnati famous: [... Bach, Beethoven, Elgar ...] Besides the above there is Mozart's symphony in E flat, an unfinished symphony by Bruckner, a funeral march of Elgar's, [... etc. ... Orchester 122 Spieler, 500 Chormitglieder ... über die Bedeutung des Festivals für die USA ...]." (°°).
The Cincinnati Enquirer Nr. 135 berichtet auf S. 5 von den bisherigen Festivalkonzerten und weist auf die beiden Konzerte des heutigen Tages hin:
[... über die äußeren Umstände (Ausschmückung, Kleidung etc.), die Werke (Richard Strauss "Tod und Verklärung", J. S. Bach (h-Moll-Messe), Elgar "Dream of Gerontius"), Text der Konzertkritk von H. E. Krehbiel ...].
In Point of Gowns and Social Distinction Was Audience.
The climax of the Festival was reached last night with as magnificence an audience as ever crowded Music Hall. [... Stimmung des Publikums, anwesende Prominente und deren und der Solistinnen Kleidung, ...]
Mr. Krehbiel, the New York critic, was escorting Mrs. Hartdegen–Rosebud Norton–who was looking lovely in a rose pink gown and a still rosier scarf over her white shoulders.
[... etc. etc. ...].
The May Festival closes to-day with two concerts–the afternoon concert at 1:30 and the evening concert at 7:30. Both programs make such a festival day as no country has ever known. The afternoon program is notable for the variety of modern orchestral composers represented. We have Bruckner, the Viennese composer, new to Cincinnati, through the medium of his Ninth Symphony, the work having been left unfinished at his death. Bruckner was a contemporary with Brahms, Goldmark and the rest, and is nominated as one of the first of the modern school that centers in Vienna. The picturesque prelude to the Meistersinger will also be played, [... Tschaikowsky, Richard Strauss ...]
[... Solovorträge von Muriel Foster (Elgar, Strauss) und Frau Schumann-Heink (Gluck, Brahms) ... das Abendprogramm (Beethoven) ...].
The management states that there are still seats to be had at both prices, $2 50 and $1 50, and a limited number of admission tickets will be sold during the day for both concerts. Tickets for the evening concert will be sold at the box office all day up to 5 o'clock.
Chicago, May 13.–The $20,000 pipe organ to be placed in the new Theodore Thomas Concert Hall will be furnished with an electro-pneumatic action, [...]."
Auf derselben Seite ein Inserat für dieses Konzert:
At 1:30 and 7:30.
At 1:30: Alceste, Gluck, Overture; Aria, Divinites du Styx, Mme. Schumann-Heink; Symphony No. 9, D Minor, Unfinished, Bruckner; Rhapsody, Opus 53, Brahms, Mme. Schumann-Heink, Chorus of Men and Orchestra; [... weitere Werke ... Abendkonzert ... Sitzplätze ...]." (°°°).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190405145, URL: Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11