zurück 19.11.1906, Montag ID: 190611195

The Arkansas Democrat Nr. 77 (Little Rock, Arkansas) bringt auf S. 1 die Meldung von der Aufführung der 9. Symphonie am 15.11.1906 in Leipzig in etwas anderer Fassung als der vom 18.11.1906:
"          Did Not Like to Be Stared At.
     Berlin, Nov. 19. [sic]–Conductor Nikisch created a sensation last night while conducting Bruckner's ninth symphony. He sullenly [sic] rose and, angrily facing the fashionable audience, sharply chided the women for staring at him with opera glasses. He exclaimed with considerable temper: "Your conduct makes me so nervous I cannot continue conducting." Some people assert that Nikisch was trying to imitate Hans von Buelow, Wagner's eccentric  former conductor."


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190611195, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-190611195
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11